Thursday 22 October 2015

Its after 2 years i suppose that I've returned to this page. Hmmmm.... that's a long gap. Meanwhile had finished my high school and reached college. During this time if any if you had seen my blog, it must have been a sheer co-incidence i believe cause i had done nothing after having created this blog. Now you all must be like L.O.L..... what comeback am i talking of then? AND...... my blog says MIRROR. Now when that word is taken the first thing that comes to your mind is something that reflects.No what could my blog be reflecting upon? Or does it reflect anything at all?Ah!!!!! All this while this guy had an un-responsive blog creating unnecessary maintenance liability on Google and now talking reflections. Is he a monk.....shaven head.....from Himalayas....wandering on the surface of the earth, who has suddenly seen GOD in google because it answers all queries in a flat 0.29 secs? Or is he a science geek gonna start lecturing on incidence angle,zero line etc. etc..... Then to settle all that let me say I'm just a common man with common happiness and  sorrows. Yes that's what i want to reflect.

                                    Bible says "God made man in his own image and likeness." Every person unique and distinct. Still, in our daily lives we run-into so many things which many others also experience. Some on a lighter note,some on a different amplitude and so on. I thought why not start a blog to share experiences and see how people responded when they were faced with such situations. To start with lemme share one of my new found habits in the days i created this blog. I began writing poems, all of a sudden. As if something got into me.... sounds creepy huh? I can understand. The sad part was the habit blossomed like a flower and died like one. It just lasted 5 poems. I know i may have sounded as if I'm an accomplished poet now. But no. I'm not. The same way many of you may have had such experiences. Someone would have started to write, to vent out their feelings or their thoughts. I would like to know about their works as well. Maybe reading your work I could start writing again. It would be fun to know what and how. As i have anyways given out that i had written a few poems, lemme share one.

My world doesn't end here 

Every thing's just not fine
This fate doesn't seem like mine
From the cover of clouds, i wish to come out and shine.
I suppose I'm not to be here
and so move on with some fear
Cos My world doesn't end here.

I wish to be in the sky like a star
But the fate see ems to have kept on it a bar,
Like the shining star I rose,
Just like it I fell again.
Still i kept moving
like the tides that doesn't cease moving.
Moving on with just some fear
Coz my world doesn't end here.

But mind you after every storm,
There's a beam of light.
Just like that i wait to see.
A beam of light so bright.
Now i see my goal so clear,
and move to it with no fear
Because My world doesn't end here.

                           The very first of my writings "My world doesn't end here". Maybe i was in an upbeat mood or so to have jotted down something like this. So as I had said earlier, every person
is distinct but situations are common. Similar situations bring together people to share ideas, thoughts...ummm etc..(that's what I commonly use when i don't know what else to say and there's something more to be added :P).So any passing-by internet surfer who wish to add any of his similar experiences is most welcome.I thought let's start on a good-note so a good situation.Like I said I've four more of my works i wish to share with people around the world.And I'm also willing to know if anyone around the world wants to share anything through my blog.So waiting eagerly to know more....